Day 4 - Let’s Go: Living a life of Purpose and Worship.
You have been given a purpose in life, and God wants you to walk in it.
Ephesians 2:10 (TPT) tells us that before we were even born, God planned our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfil it.
As the brilliant manufacturer that God is, he has given us different avenues of finding out our purpose. There's the Bible, which can be seen as the manufacturer’s guide, and there's prayer which is the ongoing direct line to God, the manufacturer.
The more you spend time in the Word of God and in God’s presence, the more you will understand how God thinks and what His will is for you.
You have also been given the Holy Spirit, who knows the mind of God (1 Corinthians 2:11). This is why it is important to ask, trust and depend on the Holy Spirit in your journey of purpose. The Holy Spirit, who is God, is there to help you to know and understand what God’s purpose and will is for you.
Jesus Christ knew His purpose and it was obvious that His purpose was the focus of His life and ministry on earth. In John 6:38 NLT, Jesus says:
“For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will.”
Just like Jesus Christ, you were created to do the will of God, not yours.
Knowing your purpose is the first part of the journey, the second and most important part is that you live a life of purpose, and fulfil it.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fulfilled His purpose. His death and resurrection allowed us to be reconciled to God.
Can you imagine what life would be like, and where you would be if there was no chance of salvation?
Jesus fulfilled His purpose and not only did this bring glory to God, but this impacted our lives in ways we still cannot imagine.
As you will find out from reading the Bible and spending time with God, you're on this earth for a reason and your purpose here on earth will impact others around you, and bring glory to God.
You were created to worship God.
Romans 12:1-2 (NLT) talks about how we should offer our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice - the kind God will find acceptable, as a true way to worship Him.
The verse explains that worship is not only about expressing reverence and adoration to God but is about dedicating all of yourself, and being set apart as your act of worship to God (AMP).This means:
1. Putting God first always,
2. Doing what will please God, and
3. Allowing the Holy Spirit to work in you and transform you from the inside out.
Romans 12:2 NLT says: “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
As you worship God with your all, and allow God to transform you and your mindset, the more you learn God’s will for you.
In the morning before you carry out a task or make any decision, say a prayer and ask God what He wants you to do this day.
Take time to listen to His leading (it will never go against the Word of God and will always be for your good and God’s glory).
If it helps, write it down in a journal or the notes app on your phone.
The more you begin to obey God in the small things, the easier it will be to walk in your purpose and live a life of worship.
Father God, I thank you for giving my life meaning and giving me a purpose.
I ask that with the help of the Holy Spirit that you will make my purpose be known to me in a clear way.
Give me the grace to obey you and put you first on a daily basis.
Let my life be true worship unto You and bring You glory in Jesus name!