Day 3 - What about my past?

Most times, we don't mind labels. They help describe what a thing is, who it belongs to, where it's going and/or it’s quality. They make sense when they are correctly used but not so much when they aren’t, especially when it prevents us from being truly who we are.

Zacchaeus in Luke 19 was labelled a sinner because of all he did. There’s no denying the truth in Zacchaeus’ label and that if he lived in our generation today, his past would have him ‘cancelled’.

However, Jesus’ conversation with Zacchaeus that day, his presence in Zacchaeus’ home and Zacchaeus’ change of character, speaks volumes about the heart of God.

It confirms the truth that our past does not have to define our future, and it definitely does not disqualify us from being a part of God’s family.

In Luke 5:31-32 NKJV, Jesus says:

“Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, butsinners, to repentance.””

So if you've lied, cheated, stolen or even killed? It still doesn’t disqualify you from this salvation that you've received.

In fact, Jesus came just for you. Jesus came to restore you back to God and His original intention for you.

Anytime condemnation tries to tell you that you're not worthy because of your past, you can tell it that: “ there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1 NLT


Anytime your history or something in your life tries to suggest that you can't live a spirit-filled life, remember that Zaccheaus did not allow his height to stop him from encountering Jesus.

He was like, hey, yes this is an obvious limitation but I’m going to run ahead, climb a sycamore-fig tree to see Jesus (Luke 19:14).


It is important to make sure that you've let your old life go. A woman was caught in adultery in John 8, and afterrescuing her, Jesus tells her to ‘go and sin no more!’

This is because a changed life matters! It would be odd if a caterpillar expected to be called a butterfly without there being any evidence of change.

Now that you've said YES to Jesus, your new spirit-filled life has begun!



Make a list of the labels that are associated with you now that you are in Christ.

Put this somewhere that you can see daily to remind yourself of the life-transforming power of salvation. 


God, thank you for calling me back home.

Thank you for rescuing me from my past.

Help me to remember that I am a new creation and that my old life has gone. Holy Spirit, I’m excited to go on this life-journey with you


Day 4 - Let’s Go: Living a life of Purpose and Worship.


Day 2 - What’s next? The Word of God